Wildlife Conservation Design Jam

 I attended the Wildlife Conservation Design Jam hosted at Tandon Makerspace with Zooterra on February 29th 2020. In the event, we are prompted to improve or redesign the experience of Zooterra’s product, or other innovation that can improve one’s awareness and engagement toward wildlife conservation

The design jam runs on groups of 3 - 4, I teamed up with Tina Rungsawang and Pranay Bihani

Our workflow include:

  1. Brain storm possible direction

  2. Interview target audience and funder of Zooterra

  3. Create persona, user Journey and wireframe

  4. Create mock up prototype for interface

  5. Create mock up for potential product


From our user research and interview with the funder of Zooterra, we quickly found out that the original “gamification” of the product was aim to attract young adults, but was not an elegant implementation. After the brainstorm section, our team agree on driving away from “gamification” and use a life style brand approach, which include associate with social media, influencer and other brands.



Due to the time and space restriction, we are only able to conduct a few interview with other contestants and the funder of Zooterra during the design jam. Fortunately most of the contestants are in the age group of the target audience. Each person in the team interviewed 1-2 people and then we shard notes with each other.

Since the target is out reach toward millennials and young adults, we separate them into four sub-groups.

  1. Super Conservationist

  2. Unaware Conservationist

  3. Broke Conservationist

  4. Inactivist



Once we know our personas, we started to map out the journey maps for over all experience and for the app. We started from the brainstorming board and select a few key feature to include.

Due to time restriction, we jump from a very rough wireframe to a presentable prototype mock up without much iterations.


User Journey

since our goal is to create a life style brand which attracts user to keep coming back as well as new users, user journey is an important part of the product. I took the ideas that we generated and organize them into more fleshed-out user journey map.

Screen Shot 2020-02-29 at 5.01.09 PM.png

Prototype Interface Mockup

Once we agree on the wireframe, Tina worked on these beautiful mockup to demonstrate or idea

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Screen Shot 2563-02-29 at 16.35.13.png
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Partnership Mockup

Since our idea include working with other brand to promote the product, we also have some mockup that showcases the possible products from the partnership.
